Sunday 27 April 2008

The Album

Hello Everyone!

A lot of you have been asking about the album, whether it be the amazing fans we had before it was recorded, or new fans who have watched the album videos and seen that they were infact from a while ago.

We thought it would be a good idea to give you all an explanation of whats going on, because the last thing we want is you guys in the dark!

Basically, we have recorded about 95% of our album, and we know we said we would release it at the start of this year, our plans have changed somewhat! We have met a lot of really cool people who have inspired us to do stuff a little different.

So, the album wont be out for a while yet, because we want to go through all the different ways we can release it, and make sure we pick the best way, and until then we are just gonna play loads and loads of shows, so we have even more people to release it to!

We are sorry we have taken so long to address this, and we would like to thank you all for keeping so interested! it really means a lot!

Mike and Canterbury

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